Richard Bodien



Brand + Business + Corporate + Creative + Marketing + Product + Technical 

Perspective and Vision 

“Along with his considerable editing skills, Richard brings a rare breadth of perspective and vision to his work. He played a significant and important part in the birthing of my new book PETALS AND BLOOD. An astute editor and a creative and evocative thinker, he is a gem!”
Gavin Harrison 
Author, Poet and Buddhist Medition Teacher 

Great Results, Great Value

“I am glad I discovered Richard! He has a unique talent of combining marketing savvy with captivating writing. I hired Richard to work on a manuscript for a client who is looking to stand out from his competition. Richard was able to take my client's own words, combine with with my vision for the project, mix in his talents for captivating story telling, and produced a quality product that has been well received by the client and those that have read it. Richard produced a product which was exactly what I was looking for. I will be hiring Richard for more projects in the future.”  
Bob Regnerus
Coach, Speaker, Marketing Strategist, Radio Host

Outstanding Creative Professional 

“Working with Richard really helped me take my project to the next level. Not only does he have an incredible gift with understanding words, he makes the extra effort to understand the individuals he works with. When I was looking for help with my project he was the only person that did not hesitate to meet with me in person- and did so two more times during the course of working with me on my project. I felt this human connection really helped both of us understand how we both worked and thought on a deeper level. The result was that my project turned out better than I could have imagined. We are still friends today!
Jeff McBride
Author and Musician 

Outstanding Marketing Professional 

“Richard is an outstanding marketing professional who is a pleasure to work with. He is a true leader, providing clear direction to his team. Richard understands communications, positioning and branding in complex markets that involve rapidly changing technologies and competitors.”  
Sue Maniloff
International Business Professional
